The Just Government Project

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Just Government Principles

God, as the supreme Lord and King, has appointed civil authorities under Him for His glory and the public good.
Whenever there is a conflict between the laws of God and the laws of man, our allegiance must be to God's laws.
Civil authorities are given the power of the sword to defend those doing good and punish evildoers.
Murder, rape, and kidnaping are capital crimes.
Abortion is murder.
God has not given the government the authority to arbitrarily punish actions that do not directly harm another person.

Marriage is a divinely-instituted, sacred, and lifelong covenant before God, between a man and a woman. Only in the case of promiscuity may it be disannulled by the offended spouse.
Household is a God ordained institution which includes the father, the wife, their children, other dependents, and servants. God has given the father the authority and duty to care for the prosperity of his household as a whole and the wellbeing of its individual members. The father may delegate his authority to persons within or without his household, but in delegation he cannot abdicate his responsibility for the household.
God created men to lead, and it is to their shame when they allow women to lead the household, church, or government.
Welfare or charity is principally the responsibility of the household. In rare circumstances, it is the responsibility of the church, but never the responsibility of the state. The state does not have legitimate authority to force people to fund welfare.
The education of children is the responsibility of the household alone. The state does not have legitimate authority to force people to fund welfare.
Commercial regulation should rely solely on households discriminating against harmful practices and leaders adjudicating damages. The state does not have legitimate authority to force people to adhere to their regulations.

Local Objectives

Have the Board of County Commissioners pass a “Preborn Guardian” Resolution
Sunset public schools
Abolish Neighborhood and Human Services: 45M Annual Budget
Sunset Library Services: 11M Annual Budget
Sunset Public Transport: 15M Annual Budget
Rename and limit Animal Welfare to Animal Control: 3M Annual Budget